Professional Bio:
A reoccurring theme that has appeared in various aspects of my life is travel. With travel comes meeting new people, understanding new customs, and experiencing new cultures first hand. By choosing International Business as my major, my college career has only increased my exposure to the world and what awaits me in the future. International business encompasses not just the massive multinational companies that have influence all over the world, but also small family own shops that I visited while exploring Venice. The vast subjects that fall under International Business make me eager to explore and absorb more about our world and the people living in it. During the Fall 2019 semester, my world knowledge was greatly enhanced as I embarked on a study abroad journey to Madrid, Spain. While there I was able to increase my level of fluency in Spanish while also gaining a perspective on life in Spain. Additionally, I was able to visit other countries such as Italy, France and even neighboring Morocco. Be assured my travels from last year will only be the start of many adventures abroad. I anticipate having a career that also encompasses an element of travel, therefore securing a job with a multinational business will be a focus of mine post-graduation. Through this type of career, I hope to be able to connect American culture with other cultures across the world and help change negative stereotypes associated with Americans and reinforce positive ones. Yes, this is very ambitious, but many of my personal attributes such as a go-getter attitude and an eager learner will make this goal obtainable.
Professional Interests:
Marketing/Ecommerce Analytics
Business Analysis
International Marketing
Outside Interests:
Traveling anywhere and everywhere experiencing culture first hand
Volunteering on political campaigns
Keep up with politics and world affairs
Outdoor recreational activities